Saturday, February 12, 2011

Things I Contemplate While Sewing Buttons

Why don’t people realize that we're all affected by our environments and things that happen? It’s naive to think that things have no lasting impact on people around you; that people will always be the same and that nothing can change them. It’s rude, and it's selfish. We’ve all got filters and things get through. Good things and bad things. Everyone processes their environment and is shaped by what they experience. Some people’s filters are really shitty and let a lot through. Some people's are less shitty, but everyone's lets some things through. You’re not the only one without a perfect filter. We all think that everyone else is equipped with some fucking shield that keeps the bad from getting through. And we all think that the good always gets through. It doesn't. Sometimes the bad clogs it up and won't let it get by. It’s all just a fucked up myth that we’ve created to save ourselves from feeling guilty. It needs to stop. Guilt is a good thing. It stops you from passively letting bad things get through other people's filters. We'd all be so much better off if we actually let ourselves feel guilty.

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